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About Us

“SYNERGETIC” are a SIMPLE Solution providers with expert teams working across multiple specialised sectors of Shipping & Marine industry specialising in Inspections, Documentation, Risk Assessment & Management, Training & Incident Investigation.
Providing bespoke marine solutions globally, our team takes an integrated approach to accurately match the skills and experience of our team to our client’s requirements and needs.
Working with many of the world’s leading Shipping Companies and Consulting organisations we have capabilities to deliver to difficult and demanding projects.

Our Mission & Vision Statement

@Synergetic Shipping Technologies

Our Mission 

Our Mission is to take every task as a challenge and deliver world class performance. We continuously endeavour to make this world a safe and a better place for all our clients by working towards providing green environment, first-class service and building long standing partnerships based on integrity, mutual principles and communal  benefits.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to be recognised as an internationally trusted and preferred shipping solutions provider which is active in a number of specialised and varied shipping sectors.

Our Core Values

@Synergetic Shipping Technologies


Whether we work as an employee or a mid-level manager or CEO, we need to be a visionary to be truly successful.


Mary Kay Ash once stated, “Ideas are a dime a dozen. People who implement them are priceless.” Once we have a vision, we enlighten those around us of its purpose, benefits & implementation.


We provide the support for your vision and empower others around us to carry out that vision. We as a team take control of this process, this inevitably leads to the self-actualization of others and achievement of goals.

Our Policies

SYNERGETIC is committed to providing safe and long lasting solutions to the shipping industry. We work together towards a common goal which reflects our commitment to delivering the highest standards of health and safety, in a workplace where our co-workers can develop to their full potential. This is all governed by our high ethical standards and a dedication to continuous environmental improvement......

Safety & Health Policy

SYNERGETIC is committed  to provide a safe and healthy environment in which our employees, visitors and customers can carry out their business.

We firmly believe in and are committed to ensuring that our operations are carried out in a way that ensures the health and safety of everyone.

We will not produce or render any service likely to cause an accident or exposure that may result in personal injury, damage to equipment or loss in process. Each member of our organization is responsible for health and safety and will be held accountable for their actions.

Any and all other policies and procedures must support and comply with this policy statement.

Environmental Policy

SYNERGETIC is committed to leading the industry in minimising the impact of its activities on the environment. 

The key points of its strategy to achieve this are:

1. Minimise waste by evaluating operations

    and ensuring they are as efficient as


2. Actively promote recycling both internally

    and amongst its customers and suppliers.

3. Source and promote a product range to

    minimise the environmental impact of both

    production and distribution.

4. We discourage the use of plastic and other

    non-biodegradable elements if and where

    an alternate can be readily used.

Professional Ethics

We are professionally committed to carrying out business in a responsible, ethical and justifiable manner.


We take initiative and work supportively and collaboratively, making our world a better place to live and do business. 

SYNERGETIC Professional Ethics includes but not limited to practices such as:

1. Safeguarding confidential information.

2. Rendering impartial, independent advice.

3. Accepting only those client engagements

    where they are qualified to perform.

4. Agreeing with the client in advance on the

    basis of professional charges.

5. Developing realistic and practical solutions

    to client problems.

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